Gurdeep Chimni, CEO of Salesify

What it does: Assists companies with sales and marketing by identifying prospective customers and making connections.

HQ: Redwood City.

2011 revenue: $4.2 million.

Employees: 363 (eight based in the U.S., and the rest in India and the Philippines).

Founded: 2005.

Source of startup capital: Personal investments from Chimni and his co-founder.

Background:  Twenty years of sales and management experience with successful  startups. Earned an M.B.A. from Holy Names University in Oakland.

Age: 50.

Residence: Moraga.

Web site:

Big picture

How’s business: We are growing very rapidly, and we are very profitable, too.

Biggest challenge for your business: Maintaining our company culture across two continents and three countries.

What’s going to change at your company in the next year:  In the first quarter of 2013, we are going to launch software that will  be a marketing and sales intelligence duo on demand. We will need to  ensure that the product hits the ground running. We will have to change  our revenue mix from services to sales of the product.

Hiring: We are hiring research analysts, sales people and managers. Globally, we have more than 64 openings, with about 16 in the U.S.

Business moves

Reason for starting business:  We experienced firsthand an explosion in sales and marketing  information that was available to sales teams, and with that came the  realization that extracting relevant information would be a challenge.  That was the genesis of the company, to deal with that problem.

Most difficult part of decision: We would have to start a global entity. To do that, we would have to spend a lot of time away from our families.

Biggest misconception: We  believed that our vision would be universally understood and shared.  But a lot of employees don’t have the passion that you do as a founder.

Biggest business strength: The  business cycles have become very compressed, so execution is  all-important. Our ability to do that on behalf of our customers is our  biggest strength.

Biggest business weakness:  It’s very complicated to run a global organization with offices in the  U.S., the Philippines and India. The different laws from country to  country, the social and cultural issues — there are lots of dynamics  globally that you have to understand.

Biggest risk: Making the investment in building out our (roughly 20,000-square-foot) facility in India based on a vision that we had.

Biggest mistake: Not launching our software earlier. There is a huge demand for that kind of information in the marketplace.

Smartest move: Having access to our customer base on a consistent basis. It has helped us really understand what their needs are.

Biggest worry: How to scale to meet the demand our customers have and deliver quality at the same time.

What do you wish you had known from Day 1: The complexity of running a global organization. We would have potentially diversified to the Philippines earlier.

Work routine

Most challenging task: It’s a people-intensive business. When you’re living in different time zones, it gets even more complex.

Favorite task: I like to interview people to understand the talent pool out there and what demographics are attracted to us and why.

Least favorite task: To make changes in our business model or company culture, I have to get down to a pretty granular level.


Key goal yet to achieve: Transforming from a services to a software company. Our customers’ needs are moving in that direction.

First move with capital windfall: We would double down on our investment in the software.

Five-year plan: We will be looking at going public and increasing our market share in Europe.

First choice for new career or venture: I would like to do another startup.


Most-admired entrepreneur or role model: Steve Jobs.

Favorite pastimes: Spending time with my kids, taking them fishing and camping. I have two boys — 13 and 11.

Favorite film: The “Godfather” series.

Favorite restaurant: Crustacean in San Francisco.

Favorite Bay Area destination: Napa Valley.